What is our society turning into? may I begin this way.Iam personally worried at the collapse of moral and religious values. Any
society without sound value system is merely gloried animal kingdom which though human but a conglomerates of animalistic
tendencies. It calls for concern because humans are distinguished from monkeys and baboons because of rational reasoning. And
so are supposed to be advance than them.
However human behaviour especially in our contemporary society is abhorrent. If not how can thew happenings be justified? We are very religious and but yet very ungoldy. Nigeria is blessed with abundance of natural and human resources yet one of the poorest countries of the world. Even to organise our society appears unattainable. Our youths remains perpetually unattended to even after aquiring the requisite education.
It is criminal to complain against corrupt leadership for the fear of been tag anti-Christ. It is fashionable to sleep with women in the open on the streets because it's evidence of gteatness. Our service to God now is not to do his will but to kill other human beings who are not the same faith us. Hatred has replaced love as a value and preached in our worship places. Corruption is the new religion of leadership that is worshipped by us.
Our society today stands for anything evil evil and good is an unwanted stranger. Selfishness togwther with self centreness is deep rooted in our sub concious minds thereby dividing us into micro social units. Self greed is the new article of faith. In all these too is perverse self righteousness of evil mind which hinders us from humility. Where will this lead us?
We need change in our society, not only political change but attitudinal paradigm shift. Although, the leadership is expected to
provide guide but much is behavioural. There is urgent demand for radical reorientation of our social life. We must return to core
values of love, peace, unity, hardwork, honour, intergrity, accountability, transparency, etc. We must return to the doctrines of the Holy scriptures and de-emphasize extremism. God created man in his imagine and likness and "thou shall not kill" says the
Therefore, the sanctity of human life must be uphold. Vengeance and all forms of reprisal must belongw to Almighty God
and no any human being owns it. Forgiveness will have to flow like the ocean to clean all atrocities which we are all guilty. We need
sober reflection in order to bring our roles in making negative history to end. To achieve this, nobody should appropriate moral high
ground rather than humility so as to ponder on what we are supposed to have done or not done which contributed in bringing us to
this state of affairs.
"God is spirit and all those who worship him must worship Him in truth and in spirit, personally, I have also fallen short of the glory of God in contributing in one way or the other to plagued this society of ours into this stage. I ask that God should credit our shortcomings into the fix deposit account of forgiveness. May the Almighty God the Most Beneficient forgive us and heal our land in the
Mighty Name of Jesus.
If you believe in this then support it by typing AMEN.
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