Thursday, 11 July 2013


Writing in 1932, A.B Mathews, District Officer in charge of Lowland Federation, argued that by 1900, oral and anthropological traditions established that tarok people had spent over 200 years in their present location. Therefore, it may be correct to speculate their earlier settlement to late 17th Century. Tarok original occupation is hunting with livestock gathering. Agronomy is later practice adopted due to interaction with other societies coupled the desire to response to growing human population. As a mobile society tarok assimilated different civilizations. Little wonder the social configuration of contemporary tarok society is not only sophisticated but also complex.
As adventuring race tarok personality is shaped by the risk profile of expedition. In this case, an exceptional attribute is required to subdue the hostile environment. Therefore, COURAGE is the definition of tarok personality. Although, this has attribute has been subject of negative campaign by intimidated societies who Will only want to exploit these rear attributes during social threats. Tarok women are worst casualties of this courageous dispositions. Closely related is FRANKNESS, tarok is quite open and blunt when it comes to dealing with others. Tarok believed in saying it as it is. Again, this qualities is misconstrue as rudeness. One integral aspect of tarok personality is JUSTICE. The diverse nature of tarok autonomous clan system could not have survived without sound sense of justice. Even though current challenges arising from unfair social bargains is sending discording signals, tarok has remained intact. HOSPITALITY is an inseparable attitude of tarok. In exaggerating hospitality, tarok evolved elastic assimilation principles that generates internal contradictions of pure identity. Tarok's assimilating capacity is viewed by antagonists as expansionists tendencies as could be seen in the numerous conflicts involving tarok in Wase and other places. This treatise is incomplete without mentioning SELF CONFIDENCE. An average tarok man is driven by confidence. Any adventure is approached with determination to succeed or concurred. Again it is conceived as negative value. Others people even demeaned it as self pride. Of course pride is not an empty value, it must have motivational drive.
Nonetheless, tarok has made incomperable sacrifices to both global and national peace and security. The highest contingents that prosecuted the Second World war from Plateau are tarok. Today, tarok has the highest number of retired senior military top brass. Late General Nanven Garba, who became a General presided over the 44th Unite Nations General Assembly as President. We can go on and on. However, modern civilization combined with hatred and envy has placed tarok personality into negative perspective. The tarok lady is a victim of this unfortunate development. Each time she is made to suffer for these attributes even in the hands of tarok men. She is hardly understood creating the feeling of not been love. The truth remains that tarok personality is germane to tarok greatness. All it takes is the zeal and tolerance to understand this without prejudice.

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