Friday, 3 February 2012


Culture has been defined as the sum total of peoples way of life. The World English Dictionary defines culture as the total of inherited ideas, beliefs, values, and knowledge which constitutes the shared bases of social action, or the total range of activities and ideas of a group of people with shared traditions, which are transmitted and reinforced by members of the group: the Mayan culture. 

According to Dictionary. com traditions means the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs,information, etc., from generation to generation, especiallyby word of mouth or by practice: a story that has come downto us by popular tradition.

From this background, it is certain that human behavior like dressing, belief, language, economic activities, marriage, procreation, socialization, agricultural practices and host of social responses to dominating the harsh environment for survival can be summarize as culture. This concept has been ascribe fetish value among modern tarok people. As a result cultural practices are fast paving way for western values. Traditions which is the peoples way of doing things over a long period of time is not spared by this way of thought. The focus of this write up is to attempt to do justice to one of the significant tarok traditions that have survive modern western thoughts of some scholars and public commentators.

Ngbat is a multi colours belt with a predominant white colour use by the tarok people on different occasions and different purposes. This traditional belt is local weaved by the people and has the following values:-
1. whenever a person lose any of his parents, the maternal uncles known as okyan will tie the belt around the waist of the last child of the deceased meaning that they share with them their moments of grief and that the demise of any of their parents does not end their social ties. It also way of conveying the maternal family's condelense to the bereaved family. The nsar ngat tradition is done immediately after the deceased with have been committed to more earth.
2. Another occasion when ngbat is used among tarok is whenever a person excels in his endeavors. Here, ngbat is tie as mark of honour and it is usually at a gathering of the community or family. At this occasion the most senior member of the family or society performs the traditions, where he is too old or indisposed he can delegate the responsibilities to another person. The significance here is that the community or family is expressing their joy for making them proud. Usually it is a celebration of success and the person may be dressed with other traditional costumes like leopard skin, bow and arrow as mark of victory. Tarok people has lot of respect for the leopard skin, according to oral narration it was the commonest animal the people subdued to occupy their present location. It is also believed that the tarok people equates their behavioral pattern to than of the leopard. Of course, the unassuming disposition of the leopard that usually leave surprises with damaging consequences whenever it faces challenges is a tarok attribute.
3. The third occasion when tarok people use ngbat is when a person is to face challenging assignments, the community leader will tie ngbat around his waist signifying courage of confronting the situation. Here, the person is assured of his peoples support in whatever challenges he will undergo.

Thursday, 2 February 2012


Events of 2001-2005 reconstructed the world view of tarok people,The nation was catapulted into unjustifiable progom. The social convulsions was inflammed by ethnic/religious bigotry which dealt collasal damage to corporate psyche of this bantoid race. Being the only benue-congo ethno phylla in the 45 ethno phyallum of the geo political configuration known as Plateau state, the conspiracy was seen by all as justifiable end of a domineering group. Instead of sympathy, the tarok received condemnation from their neighbours as paying desirable price of expansionist tendencies. Women were raped or taken into force marriages. Children were taken slavery , while youths were annihilated and men maimed and killed. The properties of tarok were either taken or destroyed. They were forced out of our natural settlements and reduced to refugees in their father's land. 

Nobody was on their side except GOD. Idinchi inan ga riri. Tarok cried out to God in heaven and He answered. Today they're are liberated and living peacefully.

Even though they may have not recuparated politically, adversaries should celebrate their absence from the political landscape with great sceptism as tarok remains an indispensable force in socio political configuration of this nation. Events are fast unveiling folly's of antagonists of tarok nationalism. The younger generstion must realize these realities so as to resist the temptation of submitting to contemporary paolitical intrigues which is deceitful. More so does not even contemplate tarok's interest. We hold sacred that the power of evil over good is temporal. As a people we have been fair and just in our relationship with our neighbours but what are we getting today in return: hatred and discrimination.

It may sound funny but it is the truth. The up coming generation must draw curtain to bad history and treat tarok ladies with genuine love, care and concern to rebuild confidence otherwise, the younger ones are already scared and may not be willing to have any thing to do with tarok men. Afterall, the co lour of a yellow leave is a warning to the green leaves.

It may sound funny but it is the truth. The up coming generation must draw curtain to bad history and treat tarok ladies with genuine love, care and concern to rebuild confidence otherwise, the younger ones are already scared and may not be willing to have any thing to do with tarok men. Afterall, the co lour of a yellow leave is a warning to the green leaves.

It is a pathetic situation that some people because of glorified slavery status which confer control of some pea nuts in the houses of some of these politicians they have decided to even sacrifice the future of the families in defence of their stomachs. This is how bad human beings have been dehumanized.

It is a pathetic situation that some people because of glorified slavery status which confer control of some pea nuts in the houses of some of these politicians they have decided to even sacrifice the future of the families in defence of their stomachs. This is how bad human beings have been dehumanized.
In view of all these, there is great hope for a relaunch which requires men of courage,proven integrity, vision, determination and above all selfless young leaders to champion the movement of tarok nation from the shackles of poverty and squalor. They must be free from greed, clannish chauvernism, opportunism, deceit and coveteousness. 
The dignity of human person must be taken seriously against the back drop of worship of materialism. Political leadership should no longer be used as spring board to greatest or an avenure to re brand new generation oppressors who will not look different from the old order. As it is today, tarok politics is poverty allevation where people without any definite devlopment plan aligned themselves with men in power to hijack leadership just to encourage mediocrity where patriotism has been compromised, while the overriding consideration of tarok groans for attention. 

This despicable state of affairs remains issue of mere bear parlour attitude with many mjddle class tarok younger generation indicating concern with little effort. Frank Fanon once stated that 'the future has no pity on those men who posses the exceptional privillege of saying word of truth to their oppressors but chose to take refuge under silence, mute indifference and sometimes cold complicity'. Of the risk of challenging injustice is great but how long shall this continue. It may look like our general has surrender to political slavery. However, as people who know God we should re enforce our courage and refurblish our patrotism with the Biblical saying that 'you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.'

Looking at the magnitude of decay in the social system, one may be tempted to postulate that hope is not close by. Our tarok ladies are at best the equivalent of the Italian sex workers manipulated whimsically for the satisfaction of the male greed. Even those that have conquered the mental battle must subscribed to bed test to secure employment even in Civil Defence, Peace Corps or Operation Rainbow. Yet. the very people who perpetuate these atrocities are front burners of demeaning the integrity of the tarok lady or at best portraying them as lacking in character to be house wives. Therefore, they pick foreign women for their children or dis encouraged their children from marrying them. The implication of these is that tarok has a battalion of matured unmarried spinsters carrying the status of senior aunties.
The standard of education has completely fallen. In order to add salt to injury, tarok political god fathers and mothers patronized men of little or no knowledge as fronts. in doing these they have rubbished the essence of education. Since, it does not require education for them to submit names of their surrogates for appointments. These caliber of people loot local public treasury to own choice properties while graduates room the streets without work and this does not matter because their parents are not known or they belong to a clan or that they have sympathy for opposition party. Even some people are carrying the cross of the sins of their parents. Of course this conspiracy against education can only confer advantage on the children of the privilege few who benefited from community efforts but are bent on creating dynasty.
However, Tarok will rise again and occupy its rightful place amongst commity of promising nations. The Nehemiah of the new vission must be men and women of resillient character full of passion to succeed. Men and women of unrivaled courage.

Their focus must be directed by love and care for their people. In this case, humility will be their energy while patriotism is their religion, 
where equity, justice and fair play shall be the foundation. A society where nobody shall be judge by his clan or his social background but by what he can offer for tarok nation. I HAVE THIS DREAM TODAY.